Suwannee Links

Click on a link below to go to the web page containing the information described.

The video "Moment of Impact" is based on interviews with men from the Suwannee, and relates to the kamikaze attacks and their aftermath. The "Suwannee Interviews" are the complete individual interviews used to create "Moment of Impact."

The three links titled "Kamikaze Strike" are to videos of the October 26, 1944 kamikaze attack on the Suwannee. The same video clip is available in three different formats to accommodate different video players. You will most likely need a high speed internet connection to view any of these. The MP4 file may take a couple of minutes to load. There is no audio. Take care in showing this to anyone who was aboard the ship, as viewing it could be pretty traumatic for someone who was there when it happened.

Suwannee Commisioning Plan (PDF File)

Suwannee Plan of the Day - 24 Sept 1942 (PDF File)

Color Video of USS Suwannee Only

Color Video of USS Suwannee and Other Ships

Captain's Memo Following Leyte (PDF File)

K Division Photo and Names

Battle of Leyte Gulf Article

Montage of Suwannee and Aircraft

All This and Morotai Too (PDF File)

Suwannee Model

Moment of Impact

Suwannee Interviews - Block

Suwannee Interviews - Brewington

Suwannee Interviews - DiGiovine and Hunter

Suwannee Interviews - Imhoff and Sons

Suwannee Interviews - Jennewein and Savatgy

Suwannee Interviews - Kalal, Smith and Beckerdite

Suwannee Interviews - Lawson

Suwannee Interviews - Lozano and Parra

Suwannee Interviews - Michie, Renkmeyer and Monteau

Suwannee Interviews - Pelcher

Suwannee Interviews - Rodgers and Reddell

Kamikaze Strike in MOV Format

Kamikaze Strike in MP4 Format

Kamikaze Strike in M4V Format

Drawings of USS Suwannee

Drawings of Sangamon Class Carriers

Drawings of Sangamon Class Carriers

Navsource Photo Archives

She Came Back (The Suwannee)

The Slingerland Crash

The following items are for sale on the Internet.

Wings Over Sakishima (For Sale)

Suwannee Cruise Book (For Sale)

Suwannee Drawings (For Sale)

Suwannee Model (For Sale)

Suwannee Plaque (For Sale)

Unit Awards Merchandise (For Sale)